Tears Of Mercy

Tears Of Mercy is a concept tea brand packaging design. The tea is named after the Chinese Goddess of Mercy Guanyin also known as the Iron Goddess Oolong. This story really inspired the concept for this brand which became a way to pay homage to traditional Oolong Tea. 


︎︎︎ Tears Of Mercy 

Tears Of Mercy is a concept tea brand packaging design. The tea is named after the Chinese Goddess of Mercy Guanyin also known as the Iron Goddess Oolong. There is a tale in Fujian's Anxi County, of a run-down temple which held an iron statue of Guanyin. Everyday on the walk to his tea fields, a poor farmer named Wei would pass by and reflect on the temple's worsening condition. One night, Guanyin appeared to him in a dream, telling him of a cave behind the temple where a treasure awaited. He was to take the treasure and share it with others. He planted it in his field and nurtured it into a large bush, from which the finest tea was produced. This story really inspired the concept for this brand which became a way to pay homage to traditional Oolong Tea.

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